
MLZL-60kV/3kVA High-tension DC Transformer

MLZL-60kV/3kVA High-tension DC Transformer

Export Malaysia dc power equipment

  1. Introduction:

      1-1 MLZL-60kV/3kVA high-tension DC transformer is widely used in the metallurgy, electric power, building materials, metal recycling, petrochemical, textile and other industries, and it is indispensable high-tension DC power source for the dust removal, smoke removal, acid mist removal, degrease, coal tar removal, electrostatic flocking removal, electrostatic spray, etc.


  2. Characteristics:

     2-1 This product is produced according to the technical requirements of users and strictly following the environmental protection industry standard HJ/T320-2006 of the People's Republic of China. It has reliable insulation level and impact voltage capability.

      2-2 This product is characterized by operation stability and reliability, high performance and long-term maintenance of deposition efficiency, and also can undertake the transient short-circuit capacity.

     2-3 The iron core adopts the single-frame core type with primary winding inside and high-tension winding outside (adopting the all-insulated bridge rectifying method). This kind of coaxial arrangement reduces the leakage magnetic flux and increases the coupling between windings, which can make the product power factor cosφ≥0.9 and achieve a high electricity saving efficiency.


  3. Main Technical Parameters:

      3-1 AC input voltage AC 240V/50Hz, single-phase

    3-2 DC output voltage DC 060kV, adjustable

    3-3 DC output current: 050mA, set


  4. Product Structure:

    4-1 Structure Diagram of High-tension DC Transformer:

    Structural Diagram



    1. High-tension DC transformer case; 2. High-tension output casing of high-tension DC transformer; 3. Output end of high-tension DC transformer; 4. Iron core; 5. High-tension winding; 6. High-tension silicon stack; 7. Low-tension winding.



     Export Malaysia dc power equipmentExport Malaysia dc power equipmentExport Malaysia dc power equipmentExport Malaysia dc power equipmentExport Malaysia dc power equipmentExport Malaysia dc power equipment



      1-1 MLZL-60kV/3kVA直流高压变压器广泛用于冶金、电力、建材、金属回收、石油化工、纺织等行业,是除粉尘和烟尘,除酸雾和油污、除煤焦油以及静电植绒、静电喷塑等不可缺少的高压直流电源。


    1. 特点:


        2-2 该产品运行稳定可靠,性能高,能长时保持沉积效率,并能承受瞬态短路能力。

        2-3 器芯采用单框芯式,初级绕组在内,高压绕组在外(并采用全绝缘桥式整流方式),这种同轴布置减少了漏磁通、增大了绕组间的耦合,因而是产品功率因数cosφ≥0.9,节电效率高。


    1. 主要技术参数:

        3-1 交流输入电压 AC 240V/50Hz     单相

        3-2 直流输出电压 DC 060kV     可调

        3-3 直流输出电流:  050mA     设定

    2. 高频高压变压器、高频率试验变压器、直流高压变压器、直流除尘及高频变压器、高电压高频率变压器、

鄂公网安备 42011202000396号
